Accountability, Anywhere

Instant Headache Relief

SignOff is Graphic Fusion’s solution to an issue every company must face; the need for clear communication between the company and the client. SignOff efficiently addresses the gaps in communication that often occur during the visual approval process. With SignOff, clients are able to see each step laid out in checklist form. They can stay up to date on the project’s progress without ever having to call or schedule a meeting. Once the client has approved all the steps, he can digitally sign off on the project, eliminating the need for printing, scanning or faxing. Additionally, SignOff facilitates internal communication across departments and teams, ensuring projects get done swiftly and efficiently.

Case Study

Creating Accountability

As a hosted solution, works first as a digital check list that highlights key points pertaining to a project. This checklist keeps everyone updated on the project’s overall progress. It also makes each member of the team accountable for their individual tasks. Written and visual documents can also be attached to the check list for further approval and collaboration. As an added security measure, all forms are automatically stored within the cloud, removing the risk of data loss that can occur with paper documentation.


Discovering Potential

Originally, SignOff was specifically developed for internal use; to allow for easily traceable, convenient communication between the Graphic Fusion team and clients.  Because of the boon we experienced to our process with the app, we decided to make it available to the public. After some refining, we launched the app for public use in the form of a beta release. SignOff was quickly picked up by companies and creative firms all over the world who needed a means to simplify interfacing.

Case Study

A Successful Restructuring

Discovering SignOff during the beta process, the Better Business Bureau approached us to customize the app for their own internal usage. They needed to speed up and catalog membership confirmations much more quickly and efficiently than their current process allowed. At the time, SignOff still needed a few modifications to reach the functionality they desired, which we implemented at their request. These user experience enhancements made SignOff more universally efficient and easier to use than before. Once they began using SignOff, the BBB saw a significant increase in their member retention percentage, as well as an increase in memberships. The BBB continues to benefit from the services SignOff provides to this day.